Björn Ingi = Snákur.


A group of Arapaho Indian boys decided it was time to prove to the tribe elders that they were old enough to be considered men. By custom, the rite of manhood included living alone for one week in the wilderness. Each boy was instructed to only take a knife with him and come back seven days later and tell of his adventures. One boy, wanting to prove that he was more of a man than the others, decided that he would climb the snow-capped mountains for his week of adventure. Surely, living in the snow and cold is a hardship that the elders must agree that only a man could endure. So, he walked an entire day across the plains to the foot of the mountains. He climbed halfway up the mountains to the snowline when a snake spoke to him.

“Help me,” the snake cried.

“Why should I help you, a rattlesnake? You are known to bite and kill people,” replied the Arapaho brave.

“I am cold and almost frozen. Please put me in your warm shirt and take me down the mountain to where it is warm where I can survive,” said the rattlesnake.

“How do I know that you are not going to bite and kill me?” asked the brave.

“Why should I bite the person who saves my life?” replies the snake.

“Ok. I do not like to see anyone die. Promise you won’t bite me?” asked the brave.

“I Promise,” replied the snake.

So the Indian boy placed the snake in his shirt and walked down the mountain. As he opened his shirt to let the snake out, the rattlesnake bit him.

“WHY DID YOU BITE ME? You promised you wouldn’t bite and kill me!” yelled the young brave.

The snake replied, “You knew who I was when you picked me up. You have nobody to blame for your death but yourself.”

Ring a bell enyone.....

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1 identicon

Ring a bell enyone..... Já sagan er stolin eins og svo margt sem sjálfstæðisflokkurinn stendur fyrir.  Annars er ég ekki alveg að fatta hvort að þessi "dæmisaga" eigi að vera skot á Björn Inga eða á Vilhjálm.  Því að til að samsvörun sé í sögunni og veruleikanum, þá ætti Vilhjálmur og sjálfstæðismenn í borginni að hafa séð fyrir þetta ílla eðli sem á að búa í Birni Inga.

Hinsvegar get ég alveg séð sköltorminn fyrir mér sem Gísla Martein.  Hann er ennþá fúll yfir að hafa tapað í prófkjörinu, og hann var að róa að því öllum árum að einangra Vilhjálm í borgarstjórnarflokknum, með aðstoð formanns flokksins og varaformanns.  Gísli Marteinn var klárlega farinn að láta sig dreyma um að vera borgarstjóri .

Siggi Hreins (IP-tala skráð) 14.10.2007 kl. 11:08

2 Smámynd: Guðrún Emilía Guðnadóttir

Flottur snákur,
en örugglega hvorki Villi
eða Gísli hvað sem má segja um þá.

Guðrún Emilía Guðnadóttir, 14.10.2007 kl. 18:27

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